Radhe Radhe! Now you can download one month worth of satsang in zipped form. We have been getting requests from various users that it is very time consuming to download satsang file one by one and have been requesting to have bulk download options in zip form. Not all of the satsang has been zipped. We have started with most requested satsang files. If you are looking for something that does not exist here, please send us email at info@maanmandir.org with the details.
This is how you can decode the file names below. Following is the format of the file name:
[Satsang Category][4 Digits of year][2 Digits for month].zip
Follow table will describe the meaning for some of the most commonly used codes. Others are self explanatory such as Hori, which means Braj Ki Hori.
Code | Category | Code | Category |
am | Morning Lectures | rsn | Radha Sudha Nidhi |
pm | Evening Lectures | rrby | Radha Rani Braj Yatra |
nb | Night Sankeertan | ym | Yugal Mantras |
svsn | Radha Krishna Sankeertan | gg | Gopi Geet |