Radhe Radhe! Today, Param Pujya Baba Maharaj inaugurated first ever mobile clinic service in Braj. The clinic is setup in a professionally designed and architected bus with modern medical equipments supporting services including dental care, eye care, pathology lab, common fevers, allergies, and most outpatient services. The clinic will be attended by professional doctors to ensure quality service to the patients.
The objective is to visit remote villages of Braj Dhaam that are not connected to or have difficulty in connecting with a near by medical facility so that Brajwasis, Saadhus and Saints do not have to suffer from very common illnesses that can otherwise be easily treated simple commonly available medicines and treatments.
Visits will be scheduled as well as on-demand as needed. More such mobile clinics may be added to expand the services.
If you have any questions, please send us message at [email protected].