Shrimad Bhagwat Katha and Sankeertan Group
A group of devotees dedicated in the service of Braj Dham
Dr. Ram Ji Lal Sharma
Lead Bhagwat Katha Vyas
Dr Ram Ji Lal Shashtri is a pure Brajwasis who has dedicated his life in serving Braj Bhoomi by following the teaching of Shri Ramesh Baba Ji Maharaj. Shri Baba Maharaj is considered “Back bone of Braj Bhoomi” because of he services and unconditional love for Braj Dham and Brajwasis. One of the major initiatives of Shri Baba Maharaj is to protect, preserve and revive the major components of Braj Dham including Bhakta or Saint Seva, Yamuna, Hills, Bhagwan Naam Pheries, Kunds (Water bodies), Go Seva, and 5000 years old divine culture of Braj among others. Dr Ram Ji Lal has been working tirelessly for the past 50 years to achieve the goal.
Mataji Goshala
Started with on 2 cows in 2007, Mataji Goshala now has over 35000 cows. All of them are saved from being slaughtered. Shri Ramesh Baba Ji Maharaj has very high standards for Go Seva as described in our scriptures. Dr Ram Ji Lal has been trying to follow all the teachings of Shri Baba Ji Maharaj. He maintains that we human CANNOT do Go Seva, it is the mother cow who serves us by giving us an opportunity to do Go Seva. As per Shri Baba Ji Maharaj’s teachings , every cow brings good fortune with her, therefore, NEVER deny any cow. Treat every cow like our mother. This way, Krishna’s dear the mother cow will take care of all her needs. Mataji Goshala is being run in the similar fashion. Cows are never denied, all the cows are welcomed in the Goshala. We don’t solicit donations for the Goshala. Whatever comes by itself as per the wishes of Shri Radha Krishna, it is used to serve the cows. Cows are given best possible food and cared with love and passion. It has become a place of big attraction for the visitors. You are most welcome to come and visit and take blessings from the cows.
Free Feast
Dr. Ram Ji Lal’s home is known for “Sant or Sadhu Seva”. Even though it is simply a home, Brajwasis call it a “Mandir” or temple because of their selfless services. Anybody visits here is offered FREE food twice a day. Over 1000 sadhus, saints, visitors and devotees take Prasad twice a day at his home absolutely FREE of cost. During festive seasons, the number goes beyond 5000 a day. All of his family members have also dedicated their lives for “Sadhu Seva” as well. Because of their selfless Sadhu Seva, people started calling it “Radha Ras Mandir”. Honest and selfless service turned a home into a temple.
Hills of Braj
Hills of Braj were being mined legally as well as illegally for the past 60 years or so until 2009. Shri Ramesh Baba Ji Maharaj has been fighting for saving these mountains for the past 45 years as they contain marks of Shri Radha Krishna Leelas and a number of other Leela Sthalies. Everyday, hundreds trucks of illegally mined stone were extracted. At ground level, Dr. Ram Ji Lal worked in a very difficult and life threating conditions. He filed many cases in different courts under his name and followed through the court dates. Finally, with Shri Baba Maharaj blessing, over 4000 hectors mountain land was converted into reserved forests. Both illegal and legal mining now has been stopped.
Tree Planation
Under his supervision, over 1.5 lac trees were planted to decorate the hills that were destroyed by the mining activities.
Bhagwat Naam Pheri
Shri Baba Maharaj always preaches that Bhagwan Naam is the ONLY savior in Kaliyuga. Shri Baba Maharaj himself used to go village by village and start Bhagwan Naam Pheries in Braj. The effort has been taken to the next level. Not only we encourage people to start Naam Pheries, but also provide a PM System and a Dholak for the Kirtan totally FREE of cost. Dr. Ram Ji Lal has been working at every level to make sure that the efforts get success by providing all the logistics. He personally supervises the program. Over 35,000 Bhagwan Naam Pheries have been started in around 30,000 villages in Braj and outside.

Shri Murlika Ji
Lead Bhagwat Katha Vyas and author of wold famous book "Rasili Braj Yatra"
Murlika Sharma is a real Gopi of Braj. Born in a devoted Brajwasi family and brought up under the careful guidance and teachings of a great Saint of Braj, Shri Ramesh Baba Ji Maharaj, who is known as “back bone of Braj”.
Murlika Ji completed her Shashtri followed by Acharya degree in Sanskrit last year. She acquired an exceptional knowledge of Sanskrit language from Shri Ramesh Baba Ji Maharaj, who is considered an authority on Sanskrit language and almost on all vaishnava and Braj literature and various Shastras such as Gita,Bhagwat, Purans, Vedas, Upnishads etc. With deep understanding of numerable scriptures, Shastras, and works of Saints and Bhaktas, Murlika Ji’s oratory leaves many with jaw-dropping experience.
We will let you decide how she is after watching one of her Bhagwat Katha Septa’s.
Shri Murlika Sharma Ji authored an encyclopedia of Braj “Rasili Braj Yatra” – an authenticated and validated account on Braj region. Read more about Rasili Braj Yatra…
Shri Murlika Sharma has been instrumental in protecting and serving over 30,000 cows. These cows are rescued from being slaughtered. She has been extremely successful in spreading awareness about Go Raksha and Go Seva (Cow Protection and Cow Service) through her Bhagwat Katha Saptah.

Shriji Sharma
Lead Bhagwat Katha Vyas, Bhajan and Rasia Singer
Shriji was born in a family, situated in a very unique place not only in Braj Dham but also on earth. The place is called Shri Radha Raas Mandir located in the heart of Gahvar Van (Forests). Every single member of the family has dedicated his/her entire life in the service of Braj Dham and devotees. At their home, over 1000 people are served food twice a day, totally FREE of cost. The most amazing thing about this place is that they DO NOT solicit donation from anyone. Whatever resources come by the wishes of Shri Krishna and Shri Radha Rani, it is used for service.
Shri Radhe Raas Mandir consistently and continuously releases a divine and spiritual aura due to pure and selfless bhakti, Sant Seva (services to devotees) and Akhanda Bhagwan Naam Sankeertan. Shriji Devi is extremely blessed to be born in such family with divine qualities. At a tender age, she started spreading Bhagwan Naam with convincing oratory in hundreds of villages of Braj, and other towns and cities in India. For the villages who cannot afford a basic microphone system for the Pheries, she helps arrange for a FREE set of PA system that includes an amplifier, battery, and a couple of microphones.
Special blessing of Shri Radha Rani on Shriji Devi can easily be understood by the fact that she has been doing 40 days long Braj 84 Kos Yatra (Radha Rani Braj Yatra), lead by Shri Ramesh Baba Ji Maharaj ever since she was NOT even born yet. She attended her first Braj Yatra when she was in her mother womb. She has attended all of the Yatras every year. Now, she is the lead singer for 24/7 Amanda Kirtan for 40 days in the yatra.
She delivered her first Bhagwat Katha at the age of 10. Wherever she goes, people feel inspired to engage in Bhagwan Naam Kirtan. People she has made acquaintance with often come and share experiences of how easily it is to accept her words because she proposes it with her innocent and pure heart. Her Bhagwat Saptahs almost always involve some extraordinary, miraculous, spiritual realizations. Due to such divine experiences, devotees often regard her as “Shriji” herself.
Shriji humbly supplements the divine services in Shri Radha Raas Mandir by serving food by her own hands, cleaning the food service area and dishes. While in Barsana, she spends most her time studying and learning from Shri Ramesh Baba Ji Maharaj at Maan Mandir.
Shriji Devi, being a Braj Gopi of Barsana, has a special place for cows in her heart. Through her Bhagwan Naam Prachaar and Bhagwat Saptah events, she has been inspiring people to save and serve cows.
Shriji Devi is multi-talented blessed soul. She is a great singer and a violin player. She performs live in the evening “Maha Raas Sankeertan” with Shri Ramesh Baba Ji Maharaj.

Shri Radhikesh Ji
Lead Bhagwat Katha Vyas and Braj folk song singer
Radhikesh Ji is well known for his melodious bhajans, specially Rasia of Braj and deep understanding of Shrimad Bhagwat Gita, Shrimad Bhagwat Maha Puran, and other Braj literature. At very young age, he started participating in the Bhagwan Naam Prachaar programs.
Radhikesh Ji explains the glory of Bhagwan Naam in a very simple and understandable manner that those who are not educated, even they can understand. He has a unique style of explaining a complex philosophy from Bhagwat Puran, Gita Ji and other Granths in very layman terms using medium of native folk songs.
Radhikesh Ji’s recent Bhagwat Saptah in Rajasthan, Bihar, and Madhya Pradesh has been a great success in terms of people getting engaged in preservation of spiritual heritage and initiating Bhagwan Naam Pheries in their locality.
He has just finished his bachelor in Sanskrit and now he is pursuing Shashtri (Master of Sanskrit).
He has been invited to well know temples and organizations in USA, Europe and a few Middle East countries in recent years where he left everyone drenched in Braj Ras.

Shri Narsingh Das Ji
Lead Flute Player and Expert on Bhaktamaal Discourses
Shri Narsingh Das Ji left home at very young age in the search of the Almighty. He belongs to Rajasthan, India, the land of Shri Meera Bai Ji, a renowned devotee of Shri Krishna and an incarnation of a Braj Gopi. He grew up listening to the mesmerizing stories of Meera Bai Ji and her undaunted love for Shri Krishna. His past Sanskaars of Bhakti (devotion) forced him to leave his home in the search of Meera Bai’s Shri Krishna.
With Shri Radha Rani’s blessings, he reached Maan Mandir and met Shri Ramesh Baba Ji Maharaj. That was the end of his search. After meeting Shri Baba Maharaj, he never returned and dedicated all his life in the service of Shri Braj Dham.
He is a blessed and gifted soul. He is a very talented bhajan & folk songs singer, and a wonderful flute player. His melodious voice along with extremely simple explanations of scriptures, delivers a rich spiritual experience.
He was has performed in various well known Temples and Hindu Centers in United States of America (USA) during the past 15 years.
Narsingh Das Ji loves serving cows. Whenever they are in Barsana, he spends most of his time in the Mataji Goshala serving cows.

Shri Giridhar Ji
Lead Dholak (Drum) Player
Shri Giridhar Shastri Ji a well known Dholak player in Braj and holds exceptional skills in playing Dholak and Tabla. When he plays, It is almost impossible for anyone not to dance! He is a very down to earth devotee. His soft and gentle behavior wins everybody’s heart.
He was born in a family who has been in close association of Shri Ramesh Baba Ji Maharaj. His brother Shri Radha Kant Shastri Ji has dedicated his entire life in serving Shri Maan Mandir and Shri Ramesh Baba Ji maharaj, who is considered back-bone of Braj Bhoomi. Shriji Giridhar Ji and his family played a critical role in the fight against illegal mining in Braj and declaring all of the mountains in Braj as reserved forest area.
Every year, Maan Mandir organizes Braj 84 Kos yatra, Radha Rani Braj Yatra, a 40-day long spiritual journey. During the yatra, Akhanda Sankeertan is organized that begins at the start of the yatra and ends at the end of the yatra for 40 days. Giridhar Ji is the lead dholak player of the kirtan group and plays the dholak for at least 16 hours a day for all 40 days. Many times his skin is torn and there is blood all over the Dholak , but he keeps playing in the ecstasy of the Sankeertan. His passion and dedication is unparalleled.
He completed his education in Shashtri (Master in Sanskrit) from Varanasi and dedicated his life spreading Bhagwan Naam throughout the country and abroad. He has been invited many times to USA since 2000 because of the skill set and Bhakti Bhaav for Bra he possesses. He accompanies Bhagwat Katha teams to provide support for music and other formal rituals.

Shri Kishori Devi Ji
Lead Braj song singer (a specialized form of singing) and multi-talented artist
Shri Kishori Devi Ji is a personification of renunciation, penance, and devotion. She is a true representation of a Gopi of Braj, who’s life is nothing but serving Krishna and his devotees. She is the youngest sister of Dr. Ramji Lal Shashtri. She holds double master degrees in Sanskrit and Arts and uses her skill set to discharge administrative responsibilities, one of the toughest jobs, in Shri Radha Raas Mandir, where thousands of devotees eat FREE feast everyday. She makes sure that nobody leaves without being offered prasaad. She is very humble and simple. In her own house, she does not have her own room, because the family has dedicated ALL they have in the service of devotees. She sleeps wherever she gets a spot at the end of the day.
Since her childhood, Kishori Devi Ji has been getting the association of Shri Ramesh Baba Ji Maharaj along with her brothers and sisters. She decided not to get married and has been living a bachelor life so that she can devote every single breath of her life in self-service of devotees and Braj Dham.
Has anyone heard of Shri Mauni Ji Maharaj of Gahvar Van in Braj? Mauni Ji Maharaj was a realized saint (A Siddha Mahapurush) and now lives in Nitya Leela of Shri Yugal Sarkar. Mauni Ji maharaj did not like to be distracted from the memories of Shri Radha Krishna at ALL time, therefore, if anybody wanted to talk to him, he would start hurting himself so that people stay away from him. He would talk to only few handful of devotees, Shri Ramesh Baba ji Maharaj, the mother of Shri Baba Maharaj, Shri Yamuna Devi, mother of Shri Kishori Devi and Shri Kishori Devi herself.
Shri Murlika Ji, Shriji Devi, and Shri Radhikesh Ji grew up in the supervision of Shri Kishori Devi Ji. As their guardian, she is primarily responsible for laying the foundation of Bhakti, devotion, and service in their heart.
Shri Kishori Devi Ji is multitalented music. She can beautifully play keyboards, Dholak, and Tabla. She is a great Bhajan Singer as well.