A Typical Day At The Temple
Har Raat Rangili Hoti Hai, Har Roz Nazaara Hota Hai - Every day is a blissful day, Every day is full of spiritual adventuresPrabhat Pheri
Every Morning: 5 AM Venue: Gahvar Kund, Gahvarvan
A morning at Maan Mandir starts early morning around 4:30 AM. Brajwasis from surrounding villages such as Dhabala, Chiksauli, Maan Pur, saints, students of Maan Mandir Gurukul, and Gopies of Maan Mandir get gather at Gahvar Kund located at the heart of Gahvarvan to begin Prabhat Pheri.
Naam Sankeertan in a group is much better than a quite Naam jap. Trees, plants, bugs, birds, monkeys, cows, and other animal who cannot chant Bhagwan Naam also get benefit by Naam Sankeertan.
The Prabhat Pheri starts from Gahvar Kund and walks along Shriji Temple Parikrama Marg.

Morning Lecture
Summer: 8 AM to 9 AM Winter: 9 AM to 10 AM (India Time)
Every morning Shri Ramesh Baba Ji Maharaj provides Satsang in highly simplified form of very complex and deep philosophies of Bhagwat Gita, Shrimad Bhagwat Maha Puran, works of great saints and devotees such as Soordas Ji, Tulsi Ji, Meera Bai Ji, Shri Chaitanya Maha Prabhu including others, and from other Braj literature. Because of its simplicity, saadhaks of all age group including children can easily understand it.
Bhiksha Utsav
Every Morning: 11 AM Every Evening: 6:00 PM (India Time)
With Shri Ramesh Baba Ji Maharaj’s mercy, Bhiksha is no longer a stressful act. Instead it has turned in an Utsav, a Bhiksha Utsav. Every morning after the daily satsang, all the saadhus living at the temple get together in front of Shri Radha Maan Bihari Lal, do Dandavat Pranaam and start Bhiksha Ustsav by chanting the holy name of Shri Radha Krishna in form of Yugal Mantra Sankeertan with all the instruments. Everybody rejoices, dances and chant the name loudly. Before the Bhiksha Utsav even enters the village, Brajwasis bring the Bhiksha before hand and wait at their doorsteps for them. Because they are chanting Bhagwan Naam, Brajwasis drops their Bhiksha with great respect.

Evening Lecture
Summer: 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM Winter: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM (India Time)
Every evening one of the Saadhaks or Gopies deliver lectures at Ras Kunj, Gahvarvan. Mostly they speak on one of the stories from Bhaktamaal Granth written by Shri Naabha Ji Maharaj. It is said about Bhaktamaal Ji that “bina Bhaktamaal Bhakti ati door hai“. Ras Kunj is not an ordinary place, the katha has been going on at the place for the past 60 years continually.
Venue: Ras Mandap Summer: 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM Winter: 6 PM to 7 PM (IST)
Raasotsva or Utsav of Raas or Celebration of Raas Leela is one of the main attractions of Maan Mandir. Shri Baba Ji Maharaj says that it is because of this Raasotsva that all our tasks are being taken care of without asking anybody any kind of help. This Utsav has to be witnessed by your own eyes before you believe in it. This is simply amazing. Gopies wearing traditional Braj outfits, colorful Ghagara and Choli, revolve or circle around in form of devotional dance for hours continuously along with beats and songs sung by Shri Ramesh Baba Ji Maharaj. Nobody looks at each other as everyone is immersed in the ocean of the Ras.
Not only Gopies, every body present in Ras Mandap dances including student of Maan Mandir Gurukul, Gopies and devotees of Ras Mandir, Brajwasis of near by villages, saadhus and saints leaving behind the sense of embarrassment.
Brajwasis, out of their respect and love, call this Upaasana as Maha Raas.

Shayan Aarti
Every Day: 9:00 PM (India Time)
Every day around 9 PM, all the saadhus and visitors get together at the Raas Mandal in the temple in front of Shri Maan Bihari Lal. The Aaradhan begins with slow tune of Sankeertan. This is a special Sankeertan, the sound of it goes to villages very very far away. It acts like an alarm for them. Every body starts walking in circle around the Raas Mandal. Someone from the walking group comes in the center and dances for few minutes. People take turn and dance. With the speed of Sankeertan increases the speed of the walk and the dance.
The idea of the Sankeertan is purely to please Shri Radha Maan Bihari Lal. Followed by the ecstatic Sankeertan starts singing of Rasias, folk songs of Braj.